Ert tú ella fert tú í gongd við at menna eina stuttfilmsverkætlan? Søk so um at koma við á Pitching Forum í Noregi 12.-14. juni 2019. Tann, sum verður útvald/ur úr Føroyum, fær ferðina og uppihald í Noregi goldið.

Tey, sum verða útvald at fara til Noregs, hava møguleika fyri at vinna kr. 30.000 (EUR 4000) til eina stuttfilmsverkætlan.

Tiltakið er fyri leikstjórar, framleiðarar og leikritshøvundar.

Krav um royndir: tú hevur arbeitt við í minsta lagi tveimum stuttfilmum ella heimildarfilmum sum leikstjóri, framleiðari ella leikritshøvundur.

Freist at søkja: 8. mei 2019.

Send tína umsókn her

Luttakarar eru úr Føroyum, Danmark, Noregi, Svøríki, Týsklandi, Írlandi og Fraklandi.

Sí nærri kunning um Pitching Forum niðanfyri.




Screen Talent Europe in collaboration with The Norwegian Short Film Festival invite emerging producers, directors and screenwriters from Europe to pitch new short film projects at the festival in Grimstad, Norway, June 12th–14th 2019

To participate you must apply to one of the Screen Talent Europe partners. It is free to participate and the costs of transportation and accommodation (3 nights) will be covered by Screen Talent Europe.

The best pitch will receive a production grant of 4000 €.

10 short films will be pitched during the Pitching Forum. In a 5-minute pitch, each participant will present their project to a pitching jury and an audience of potential co-producers, financiers and filmmakers attending the festival.

Applications terms
Producers, directors and screenwriters must have produced at least 2 films (short fiction or documentary).
You must apply with a project in development (fiction or documentary) with a maximum length of 30 min.

What you get
As well as attending the pitch you will take part in:
– a pitching workshop
– networking activities
– speed dating with the partners in the Screen Talent Europe network. During these meetings you will be informed about co-support and co-production possibilities available within the partners support systems.

You will also get a free accreditation for the entire festival program.

Application deadline: May 8th 2019. APPLY HERE
For further information, please contact:
Anders Fristad Rudolph:


Screen Talent Europe
Screen Talent Europe is a network of film centers working with talent development in Europe. Screen Talent Europe aims to create more co-production, network and collaborations between emerging filmmakers in Europe.
Read more about Screen Talent Europe here

The Norwegian Short Film Festival
The Norwegian Short Film Festival is a short film and documentary festival with a competition programme for Norwegian and International short film, Norwegian documentaries and Music Videos. In addition to the award programmes, the festival present international documentaries, arrange workshops and seminars, concerts, boat trips and many other interesting film programmes.
The competition programme for international short films attracts filmmakers from all over the world to Grimstad, and the festival facilitates for bonds to be tied between the Norwegian and the international film community.

The Pitching Forum is organized by Mediefabrikken, the Screen Talent Europe partners and The Norwegian Short Film Festival.